For Your Body

CranioSacral Therapy

Working with the membranes and tissues that surround your brain and spinal cord, I normalize cerebral spinal fluid flow and tissue restrictions to address a wide range of issues resulting from migraines, headaches, concussion, head injury, chronic pain and stress. I am a Certified CranioSacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

This very gentle technique can help to improve the flow and functioning of the lymphatic system. By eliminating fluid stagnation, the body is able to move metabolic waste to detoxify and deliver essential nutrients to the tissues and cells. The result can improve symptoms of swelling, inflammation, pain, fatigue and stress. I am trained in this technique through the Upledger Institute.

Energy Sessions

Training peace and tranquility begins with intention and openness. Linda has been trained to hold high states and project those vibrations to create an environment for you to expand into the higher states you desire. Your nervous system is able to calm down, taking you from fight or flight to serenity. From there, your system has a new stimulus to move towards throughout your days.


For Your Body

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Please click on the button below to book your private session. You can also CONTACT ME to discuss your interests before booking your session.