Current Happenings

Complimentary 30 minute Personal Mastery
Intro to Inner Matrix

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 12:30 - 1:00pm

Shine Studio: 175 Main St., G002 Edwards Riverwalk

Inner Matrix Systems trains high achievers in the art and science of Personal Mastery. Our proprietary method of training aligning and rewiring the nervous system has been used by over 84,000 people to create new outcomes in their lives including less stress, overwhelm and anxiety and more peace and freedom, greater connection in their relationships (even the difficult ones!), and more motivation to move towards the outcomes they really want in life

Visit the Inner Matrix Systems website!

Power of Focus

The trained mind is your greatest ally in creating a life you love. In this 12 session series we will learn to see what the mind is doing that is having you take action and getting you the results you know in your life. Then, we will use specific tools and techniques to train new patterns that have you take new action and get new results.

Practical outcomes include decreased stress, anxiety and overwhelm and more peace, freedom and confidence to create a life of your own design.

Class is 1 hour per week in person or virtual beginning February 5 or 6

Wednesday’s in person at Shine Studio, 7:30am or Noon

Wednesday’s virtual via Zoom, 6pm mountain time

Thursday’s virtual via Zoom, 11am mountain time

Complimentary Personal Mastery Intro to Inner Matrix

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 at 11:00am

Shine Studio: 175 Main St., G002, Edwards, CO. 81632

Discover what is holding you back from the results you want,
and exactly what to do about it.

In this complimentary 30 minute training we will focus on an area of life you are experiencing a challenge or not getting the result you want…think career, health, specific person. We will learn what our inner matrix is and how it is creating that result. And finally, we will learn what to do about it so we have the experiences and outcomes in life that we really want.

Those interested may be offered an additional training session to train awareness and empowered action towards the result they want.

Linda Wells Linda Wells


Empowered emotions are the driving force behind your personal mastery. Personal mastery is achieved through a combination of intensity + consistency. Our Power Series Classes are the consistency in your personal mastery equation. In Power of Emotion we explore the powerful role emotions play in every choice decision we make. You will learn tools and techniques to identify, shift and consciously choose your emotional state, setting you on a course for mastery. Practical outcomes include expanded emotional intelligence, increased capacity for success in relationships, and the ability to find your center regardless of your circumstances.

Call me at 970-401-4010 to discover how the tools and techniques from Power of Emotion can support you to experience less of the things you don’t want like stress, overwhelm and anger, and more of the things you actually DO want like peace, freedom and connection.

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Linda Wells Linda Wells

Upcoming Classes and Programs


We create what we focus on. Period. Problem is, most people do not realize what they are actually focusing on at any given moment. How can they? We have between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day and most people are aware of less than 3% of them. Our results are directly tied to what we focus on and the emotion tied to the focus.

In our 12 session Power of Emotion class we are going to discover what emotions you are feeling at any moment and how they are having you take action in various ways, creating outcomes that you may love and some that you may wish were not there. Then we will learn specific tools and strategies for you to learn to train new emotions, thought patterns and actions to create the outcomes you truly want in your life. Passionate, trusting relationships? Career/Finance goals? Outcomes you want to know in sports? I have created outstanding results in all these areas and have supported my clients to do the same for themselves with Power of Emotion training.

If you are ready to see new results in your life, and you are willing to commit to the training, we can create some cool things in 2024 and beyond. You just have to commit to the “doing”. I’ve got the strategy that will deliver the result.

Call me at 970-401-4010 to set up a discovery call. Or, if you are already a client then REGISTER HERE.

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Linda Wells Linda Wells

Expand Yourself

We take ourselves everywhere we go and we have all arrived to this moment with our current thoughts, emotions and physical body. These things create our experience of life. We all have the ability to create the life we choose, regardless of what shows up in the world. I am reminded of this now more than ever with our current world situation. As changes have occurred over the past couple months, both my husband’s and my studios were mandated to be closed. Our income was slashed overnight. With one day’s notice, our daughter’s school was cancelled and moved to a virtual schedule. We became teaching assistants. Our county moved to a stay at home order and we were cut off from physical contact with our friends and extended family for 6 weeks. As reality set in, I knew we would be ok. Although I did not know exactly how, I knew we would come out of this as better people. We have been trained to operate from a love based state. This means that my family is able to recognize the emotional state we are in and know the outcomes associated with different emotional states, such as fear, anxiety, panic, anger, love, peace, abundance and joy. Because of this, we have found new creative ways to conduct business. We know greater connection and joy in our family, and we have an abundance of strength and freedom in our physical bodies, despite what is happening in our world and in our community. Our mind is a powerful tool that can be consciously trained to create the experience of life that we choose. Thanks to current research on the brain, we know that the brain is plastic, it can change. We can create new neural pathways in as little as 6 weeks. This means that with the proper tools and techniques we have the ability to move out of fear, anger, sadness or unworthiness and into peace, freedom and confidence. If you have never heard this or experienced this for yourself it may seem impossible. It absolutely is not. I have experienced it for myself and seen the change in thousands of other people. I am trained to show you how to create a new experience for yourself. Be courageous. CLICK HERE to contact me. We will create a plan for you to know the life you deserve.

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